Sunday, March 29, 2020

Human Intellect Is Only 3 Inches

Often conversations with our interlocutors use the word "reason only an inch" to people who have been explained but do not understand either.

Apparently those words are not arbitrarily not referenced or there is no origin, in the book Asasy Asrar explained about the expression of the word.

In the book it is asked:

What is the length of human reason?

Then answered:

That the length of human reason is 3 inches, this is the longest sense in humans.

Then proceed with an explanation of how people who are said to have only one inch, 2 inches and 3 inches.

People who have one inch of reason

People who have a resourcefulness are those who exaggerate the world from the hereafter, exaggerating the wealth from the acts of worship. The point is that the love of the world is excessive than the afterlife

People who have 2 inch span

People who have a two-inch mind are people who exaggerate the afterlife of the world, do not like work that is not useful, know that he is a servant who deserves to humiliate his fellow humans.

People who have a sense of 3 inch

A person who has a reasonable mind is a person who looks at his Lord, and is mortal in his view, in all his actions are God's actions (look again at the meaning), his endeavors are the endeavors of Allah in him.

Not: people who have 3 inch intellect are people who have ma'rifah, ma'rifah here according to the concepts of tasaufs and murshid who are valid and mu'tabar, not blind salek or wahdatul form mulhiq)

(Syeh Muhammad Salih bin Abdullah al Minagkabawi ~ Kitab Asasy Asrar, p. 28)

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