Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Perjalanan Menjadi Bocah Ingusan

Perkenalkan, nama saya Zulkifli dengan panggilan bermacam-macam, masa kecil saya dipanggil DUN, DUN kecil yang tahun 1996 tamat SMP melanjutkan pendidikan di Dayah Malikussaleh Panton Labu (Dayah Abu Panton).

Ketika di dayah, nama panggiln berubah dari DUN menjadi TGK BULOH yang ketika itu masih kelas 1, ya kalau kami di Panton itu kelas 1 belajarnya di Bale Beuton.

Sejak tahun 1997 pernah bergabung dengan Perguruan Beladiri Cakar Elang dibawah bimbingan Guru Besar Bang Usuh Lhok Kaluet.

Banyak pelajaran keanukaragan yang saya dapatkan dari beliau dan ini menjadi awal saya mulai tumbuh percaya diri dalam pergaulan. 

Ketika itu kami latihan di Lhok Kaluet tempat beliau berkebun sampai berbulan-bulan dan ketika saatnya balik ke Dayah saya balik ke Dayah.

Latihan juga kami lakukan di Desa Blang Kruet di halaman rumah mamak beliau bersama rakan-rakan seperguruan.

Awal cerita saya menjadi murid beliau ketika saya mendengar bahwa beliau bisa beladiri dan pada suatu malam saya ketemuan di rumah Bang Tar Transat.

Singkat cerita sebelum menjadi murid beliau, saya menjajal kemampuan anuragan beliau lebih kurang 30 menit, dalam masa 30 menit inilah saya tiga kali dibanting lewat kepala beliau dan posisi terjatuh yang tidak nyaman. Bantingan ketiga baru saya mengakui takluk kemudian resmi menjadi murid beliau.

Beliau sosok yang tegas, dan tak segan-segan menghajar kita saya latihan, agar kita benar-benar mampu menangkis atau mengelak serangan yang digencarkan serta membuat serangan balik.

Saat sudah di Dayah sudah kelas 4, kemudian saya juga ditawarkan beladiri Silat oleh Tgk Nawawi, panggilan beliau Aleubu, karena beliau berasal dari Aluebu Perlak.

Ketika itu kami latihan di dalam bilek beliau, kalau tidak salah bilek 13 tingkat 2, banyak jurus yang diajarkan.

Beliau sosok teungku plus guru yang tegas dan tak segan-segan mempraktekkan jurus-jurus saat melatih kita, kalau tidak sigap ya terserah kita mau kena dimana, makanya kesiapan dan kelentikan badan sangat dibtuhkan.

Bersama teungku Nawawi saya hanya latihan beberapa bulan saja, dan ketika itu beliau sudah pulang kampung karena hal dan keperluannya.

Dalam satu keperluan, saya pernah tinggal di Langsa selama lebih kurang 3 bulan, disana saya tinggal di rumah saudara dan selama disitu kami diajarin Konto oleh Bang Ansari (ayah tiri Daini).

Tidak banyak jurus yang saya dapatkan dari beliau, karena saya tidak lama dilangsa dan harus balik lagi ke Dayah.

Pada akhir 2019, ketika kondisi saya sedang sakit tak kunjung sumbuh (sampai detik saya tulis ini saya masih sakit), saya membuka relasi berobat dengan Pelatih Pramuka saya saat KMD, yaitu kak Juiadi atau dipanggil dengan Kak Jagad.

Awalnya saya berobat kepada beliau dan beliau memperlakuka saya sangat baik dan terus terang walaupun kami berlainan suku tapi seperti ada ikatan bathin.

Setelah beberapa kali saya berobat, beliau mengangkat saya sebagai muridnya dalam perguruan Laduninya.

ya, saya seorang pasien yang sangat beruntung berjumpa dengan Kak Jagad yang baik, yang bukan saja berusaha mengobati sakit saya tapi juga menjaikan saya sebagai muridnya.

Di Perguruan Cakra Aura Laduni Nur Ilahi saya mengenal banyak tingkatan-tingkatan murid yang sangat dasyat, jadi sangat beruntunglah bila seseorang menjadi murid di Laduni.

Kak Juliadi sosok teman yang juga guru yang pendiam dan sangat baik, tapi kalau sudah mulai bercerita banyak petikan-petikan pengalaman hidup yang kita dapatkan.

Saya sekarang merupakan seorang murid di Perguruan Cakra Aura Laduni Nur Ilahi dari Guru Besar kak Jagad.

Saya bukan murid yang baik, tapi saya akan terus mengibarkan bendera Perguruan Nur Ilahi serta siap membela perguruan dan Guru Besar dari serangan-serangan luar yang ditujukan kepada saya dan perguruan.

Saya Aswaja dan saya siap memberi jawaban-jawaban serta kontribusi bila dibutuhkan, saya murid saya bocah ingusan.

Menjadi murid di perguruan Laduni merupakan menjadikan pribadi yang baik, husnuldhan dan senantiasa berusaha meningkatkan keimanan kepada Allah.

Mereka, BangSuh, Tgk Nawawi, bang Ansari dan kak Jagad adalah orang-orang sangat berjasa dalam perjalan saya untuk menjadi bocah ingusan.

Mereka yang telah memprkenalkan kepada saya tentang dunia beladiri dan bagaimana menjadi pribadi yang baik dan tidak sombong.

Guru adalah orang yang senantiasa membimbing, menasehati dan memberikan petuah-petuah kepada muridnya dan mereka adalah guru dunia dan akhirat.

Semoga semua guru-guruku senantiasa dalam ridha Allah Swt, kasih sayang Allah serta senantiasa dalam petunjuk Allah.

Salam hormat dan salam ta'dhim guru.

Women, especially people

Women are creatures that God created as perfecting men's lives, after Adam was created, then Eve was created.

A man who is the time to get married and has enough, if he doesn't have a woman he likes or likes, then he feels that his life is empty and meaningless. Because the necessity of a man to a woman is not only a biological need, but the presence of a woman in a man's life is more than anything, like a person who does not have hands, then he is given a hand for him.

"O young people, whoever among you is able to get married, then get married. Because marriage is more able to hold the view and more maintain the genitals. And whoever is incapacitated, let him fast; because fasting can suppress her lust (as a shield) ", (H.R. Bukhari).

Islamic Hungarian Woman

In Islam, women are very special place, even Allah SWT perpetuate women in the Qur'an, namely the letter An Nisa and the letter Mary. This proves that women have a higher degree than men, even the height of women up to three degrees above men.

"From Abu Hurairah radhiyallaahu 'anhu, he said," Someone came to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam and said, 'O Messenger of Allah, to whom should I first serve?' Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam replied,' Your mother! ' asked again, 'Then who else?' The Prophet (peace be upon him) alaihi wasallam answered, 'Your mother!' The person asked again, 'Then who else?' He replied, 'Your mother.' The person asked again, 'Then who else,' the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam replied,' Then your father. '"(HR. Bukhari Muslim).

In addition to the nature of women who are very noble and special, Islam explains that women who are very special are those who do the commands of Allah and stay away from His prohibitions.

"If a woman prays five times a day, fasts in her month, looks after her genitals and obeys her husband, it will be said to her:" Enter heaven from whatever heaven you like. "(Ibn Hibban and Thabrani)

"Allah's grace upon a woman who wakes up at night and prays, then wakes up her husband and participates in prayer. If her husband is reluctant then he splashes water on his face. " (Ahmad, Abu Dawud)

Although women are very special creatures in Islam, but not all women are the same glory, glory to him depends on him, if he places it in a noble place then he will become a heavenly angel, and if he follows his desires, then he will become a resident of hell .

The obligations of women in this world are only three kinds, namely performing the five daily prayers (ie prayers that prevent her from committing heinous and unjust acts), carrying out compulsory fasting and obeying her husband, if this they have then she can enter heaven from any door. The woman who has performed the five daily prayers according to Allah's commands and her prayers has been accepted, so she never said violently, covered the genitals, did not wear tight clothing, and kept her genitals. The obligations of a wife to her husband are only three kinds, namely obedience to the husband, surrendering himself to the husband, and being pleased with her husband (‘Uqudul Lijain).

There are nine categories of ideal women / wives in Islam, namely women / wives who are righteous, women / wives who are patient with the poor treatment of their husbands, faithful women / wives, women / wives who obey their husbands, women / wives who are steadfast in facing life's trials , women / wives who are gentle and affectionate, women / wives who maintain personal purity, women / wives who always love their husbands, and women / wives who die in childbirth.

Seven women who live in hell, namely women / wives who hurt their husbands, women / wives who cheat, women / wives who always sue their husbands, women / wives who often berate, women / wives who like to prink when leaving the house, women / wives who love ask for divorce, and women / wives who like to pit sheep.

Women's Association Now

The more sophisticated and modern the development of the times, the heavier and bigger the challenges for women, both in relationships and clothing. Designing a variety of clothing models, ranging from appropriate to wear to the span models that often act in the name of Muslim-style clothing often makes women trapped. And this is coupled with an understanding of gender that forgets the nature of women so that a woman is like a man too, free in all respects.

The phenomenon that we see now, most women have forgotten the nature of their womanhood, and consider him to be the same as a man, not to be ashamed of wearing jeans, clothes that show his muscles, even just covering his head.

When I had a coffee and finished this article in a coffee shop in Aceh, suddenly a woman and two guys came to sit beside my table, and they had coffee too, eating noodles together, strangely, the woman did not feel guilty or wearing clothes, even she felt comfortable and enjoy it. Blue jeans are very tight, flower-patterned clothes are also very tight and red paris jelbab which he wears only in the bulkhead of his neck, which is worse with the clothes very clearly drawn body shape.

The story of my friend when he came home from college, a woman in tight clothes, tight clothes, not wearing a backseat behind a guy, whether he was husband or wife or not, but her whole body was pressed against his back and because he was too cool to lean on, the woman did not realize that her clothes had explained up, so he has exhibited something that is not worth showing.

Dating culture that is very damaging to morals and manners, also often makes a woman worthless in front of a man, in the name of love he is willing to touch his body and some even up to adultery.
Is this the fight for gender? Is this the freedom a woman dreams of? Remember you are very noble, do not let the glory that you dumped and complacent with momentary pleasure. Remember also, your self-esteem is more than everything, offer what you have and are very noble only to those who are lawful to you.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Aceh, What's With You

Aceh is a province located on the western tip of the island of Sumatra, and Aceh's position is very strategic, which is bordered by the Malacca Strait, which was once the center of international trade.

Historically, Aceh was a sovereign kingdom, with the name of the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam, when its glory was under the leadership of Raja Iskandar Muda, and Aceh was also a kingdom that implemented Islamic law, so that customs and religion were held by people who understood their fields, namely by the slogan "Adat like Poe Meuruhom, law like Syiah Kuala".

In addition to Aceh's strategic location, Aceh also has extraordinary natural wealth, vast forests, oil, gas, gold, agriculture, marine and other natural resources that cannot be managed, even the land is very well-fed, if a stick can grow , then a stick that is planted on the ground can grow, so likened to the fertility of the land of Aceh. Not only that, Aceh is also one of the provinces that received the title of special autonomy.

From various extraordinary income of Aceh, APBN, special autonomy funds, social assistance, etc., it can be said that Aceh is a granary of money, if likened, let alone workers who work, unemployment can get a salary.

Why Poverty Is So Sacred In Aceh

Seeing the phenomenon and reality of Aceh's income which is so large compared to a population of only five million people, then this is truly a very sad phenomenon, a former sovereign kingdom that was very sovereign and its people were very prosperous, now as if neglected, the social nature that used to be so high, now breathe breath. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.

Not only that, but the market life also seems so wild, no one controls it, food prices are arbitrary and the purchase price of community harvests is so low, but this is very sad when approaching meugang, meat prices in Aceh vary and get the second most expensive ranking in the Indonesia after Papua, which is 160,000 per kilogram, even though the quality of meat in Aceh is not the best.

"The situation has prompted several traders to slaughter buffalo cattle which had been postponed. The price of released meat surged to Rp 160,000 per kilogram. The price level is higher than the price of meat on the day of Eid al-Fitr 1434 Hijri then Rp 150,000 per kilogram ", (Serambi Indonesia, October 3, 2014).

"Not only buffalo meat and cows are bounced, cut chicken meat is sold for an average of Rp. 65,000 / medium size, native chicken ranges from Rp. 70,000 to 110,000 per head. Wet tuna types are sold between Rp. 30,000 to Rp. 60,000 per fish ”, (Serambi Indonesia, October 3, 2014).

With market conditions like this, it really does not benefit people who have many children who have middle to lower economic income. Because they are not able to meet the needs of meugang for his family.

From the reality that we see, we sometimes think that poverty is a legacy that we need to guard and maintain, so that poverty appears as if it is so sacred that it is not easy or impossible to let go of in the culture of modern Acehnese society.

What is the Future of the People of Aceh?

From the APBA, which has 12 trillion annually, the special autonomy fund is 3.5 to 9 trillion annually, and the social assistance is quite large, but there are still Acehnese people who are below the poverty line.

The special autonomy fund is only for a period of 20 years, from 2008 to 2027, and this is also in two different phases with the bonus amount.

"The special autonomy fund was chosen in two phases; the first phase of 2008-2022 (15 years) was 2 percent of the National General Allocation Fund (DAU). The second phase of 2023-2227 was reduced to 1 percent of the National DAU. The reduction of Aceh's revenue in the last 5 years is assumed that at that time Aceh's development conditions have begun to improve, and have been able to catch up with other regions in Indonesia ", (Jamaluddin M. Jamil, Serambi Indonesia).

With so much money going to Aceh today but there are still Acehnese who are destitute and below the poverty line, even unemployment is currently reaching 147 thousand people or around 6.75 percent.

"The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Aceh in February 2014 reached 6.75 percent, 3.37 percent lower than the August 2013 TPT which reached 10.12 percent, and 1.47 percent lower than the February 2013 TPT which reached 8.22 percent ". "According to BPS analysis, it is greatly influenced by the influence of the season, where in February the activity of the agricultural sector is much greater than in August in each year". "In the period February 2013 to February 2014 an increase in the number of the workforce
and the number of working people is also offset by a decrease in the number of residents who work
unemployed. Based on these three time periods, unemployment in February 2014 was the lowest unemployment with an unemployed population of 147 thousand people and TPT of 6.75 percent ”, (Nazar, Ajnn. Net, 06 Mai 2014).

"The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) reports that the number of unemployed residents in Aceh Province in February 2014 was 147,000. This figure has decreased by around 60,000 people compared to August 2013 which was 207,000 people, and about 30,000 people smaller than February 2013 which reached 177,000 people ”, (Analysis, May 6, 2014).

By comparing the poverty rate and unemployment rate in Aceh which is actually Aceh is a granary of money, it becomes a big question about how the fate of the people of Aceh in the future after the special autonomy fund ends? And this is our common question and we need to answer together, so that all the people of Aceh are able to interpret this peace as full grace.

Aceh Identity Crisis

16th Century Aceh
During the Iskandar Muda Kingdom in Aceh, which began in 1607 AD until 1636 AD, was a very glorious period, Aceh was a country that was very rich and prosperous. At that time it had established cooperation with western kingdoms, including the kingdoms of England, Ottoman and Holland.

Sultan of Aceh was held by Sultan Iskandar Muda Meukuta Perkasa Alam, the kingdom of Aceh developed as an Islamic kingdom and experienced glory during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda. The rapid development achieved by the Kingdom of Aceh was inseparable from its strategic location, namely on the northern part of Sumatra Island and near the international trade shipping lane at that time (http://kebultural.kemdikbud.go.id/bpcbaceh/2013/10/31/ glimpse-history-aceh-16th-century-writer-nurdin-s-sos-staff-restoration-bpcb-aceh /).

At that time Aceh played a very important role in the International kingdoms, namely as a transit area for commodity goods from East to West, and vice versa. It is through this trade route that Islam enters Aceh and thickens, so that Aceh is referred to as the Veranda of Mecca.

Islam in Aceh
Islam in Aceh is a religion that is adopted by the majority of Aceh's population. Many historians both at home and abroad are of the opinion that Islam first entered Indonesia through Aceh.

The statement of Marco Polo who stopped at Perlak in 1292 stated that the country had adopted the religion of Islam. Likewise Samudera-Pasai, based on the tombs found in the former kingdom and news sources that exist as we have already described that this kingdom had become an Islamic kingdom around 1270.

Regarding the history of the development of Islam in the Aceh region in the earliest times were manuscripts originating from within their own country such as the Book of Malay History, the Story of Raja Pasai. According to these two books, a preacher named Sheikh Ismail had come from Mecca on purpose to the Ocean to convert the people there. After spreading Islam in Aceh, Sheikh Ismail returned to Mecca, (Wikipedia).

According to A. Hasyimy, the first Islamic empire in North Sumatra was the Perlak Kingdom which emerged in the 9th century AD (Aceh Preservation Preservation Hall). The kingdom of Perlak has an Islamic influence on the surrounding areas. Many Perlak scholars have succeeded in spreading Islam outside Perlak, for example a group of Perlak Da'i can convert the Continent king. Many Perlak scholars, prominent figures, leaders and families of the Perlak king moved to Lingga after the Srivijaya invasion, so they formed a Muslim community there and thus the Islamic kingdom of Lingga was founded. Besides Perlak, the most important Islamic kingdom in North Sumatra is Samudera. Chinese sources say that in 1282 the tiny kingdom of the Ocean had sent ambassadors in Muslim names.

Islam is not something new in Aceh, but Islam has existed in Aceh since the 9th century AD, so Islamic law is not the creation of the Aceh government now that is feared by all elements of society, but Islamic law is law enforcement in the kingdoms in Aceh first .

When Islam has become flesh-blooded with an area, then that area will implement Islamic Sharia, even in Aceh it used to be a kingdom that implemented Islamic Sharia, this was proven by the slogan "Adat like Po Teumeuruhom, Hukom like Syiah Kuala, Qanun like Putroe Phang, Reusam like Admiral".

Life of the Acehnese Community Now
We see now the development of Islam in Aceh is really far from expectations, like far from the fire, this proves Islam is increasingly shallow in Aceh, even most of us are allergic to Islamic law itself.

There are very few devotees in Aceh where they have studied Islam, and even most people now assume that if our children are entrusted to a pure pesantren (Salafi Dayah) then their children have no future. Yet we already know that the ultimate future is the happiness of the world and the hereafter.

In addition, the way we live every day is far from Islamic culture itself, starting from association, clothing, speaking, and doing things. Throwing the head of Satpol PP Langsa a few days ago while commemorating that there should be no midnight keyboard (Serambi), women netted in a tight clothing raid in Meulaboh, free sex practices, and selling women out of Aceh.

We can see for myself how the development of Islam in Aceh now, in our own area how many sounds of the chanting of the Koran after the Megrib prayer, almost no houses can be heard reading the Koran, day, night, morning, and megrib just the sound of music and television that is heard a lot.

Allah never mentioned in the Quran and the Prophet never explained in a Hadith that Islam will be eternal in Aceh until the end of the world, there is no guarantee that Islam will be intact in Aceh, even though Aceh is the first area to convert to Islam in Asia and Aceh is called the Veranda of Mecca . It all depends on us, the people of Aceh, if we are allergic to Islamic Sharia and the application of Islamic Sharia is only in the mouth and as a project of officials, do not ever expect Islam to triumph in Aceh as before, even one day the people of Aceh will feel inferior and surprised by Islam alone. Remember the history of Islam in Spain first, and how Spain is now.

And (remember also), when your Lord declares. "Indeed, if you are grateful, surely We will add (ni'mat) to you, and if you deny (ni'mat My), then in fact My punishment is very painful". And Musa said: "If you and those on earth are all denying (ni'mat Allah) then surely Allah is Rich and Most Praised." (QS: Ibrahim: 7-8).

Al Makki bin Ibrahim told us and he said, Abdullah bin Sa'id told us (and he (Sa'id) was the son of Abi Hind) and he narrated from his father, his father narrated from Ibn 'Abbas ra, Ibn 'Abbas has said: The Messenger of Allah said, "There are two pleasures, many people become losers because of these two pleasures, namely; delicious health and free time. "
(H.R. Bukhari).

Do Humans Have No Potential? So only the Great Jin?

شعاع البصيرة يشهدك قربه منك وعين البصيرة يشهدك عدمك لوجوده وحق البصيرة يشهدك وجوده لا عدمك ولا وجودك

The light of the eyes of the heart can show the closeness of God to you. And the eyes of the heart itself can show you your absence because of the existence of Allah and the essence of the eyes of the heart shows you, only the existence of God, not your absence nor your existence.

Explanation (Syarah) The facade of Allah (Salik) in his spiritual journey to Allah will walk 3 levels of Nur (eyes of the heart) from Allah, namely:

Syu'aa 'ul-bashirah, that is the light of reason.

Ainul-bashirah, that is the light of knowledge.

Haqqul-bashirah, that is Divine light.

And all nur will emit various kinds of glory (karamah) and a very useful principle.

Someone who uses the Light of His Mind (Syu'aaul Bashirah), will continue to feel their existence and closeness to God.

Whereas those who use the Light of Knowledge ('Ainul Bashirah) will feel that their existence does not exist, and that there is only Allah.

Whereas someone who has reached the stage of Divine Light (Haqqul Bashirah), in fact he only looks at Allah and does not see anything beside Him. It is not that they do not see the existence of the natural surroundings, but because the natural surroundings are not stand alone, but are always subject to and need to Allah, then the existence of this nature does not attract the attention of those who are at the level of Haqqul Bashirah, therefore they consider the universe and the wealth within it like nothing.

(Ash-Shaykh Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Atha'illah As-Sakandari, Syarah Al-Hikam).

Haqqul Bashirah is the most powerful level of human magic, and this is the potential for self that needs to be explored.

This is only found in the tarekat, because the Salek will travel mentally through the tarekat and under the guidance of the murshid teacher.

It is the murshid teacher who will guide the Salek to that level.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Humans Who Are Not Received Penance Again

اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
وَلَيْسَتِ التَّوْبَةُ لِلَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ السَّيِّئَاتِ حَتَّى إِذَا حَضَرَ أَحَدَهُمُ الْمَوْتُ قَالَ إِنِّي تُبْتُ الْآَنَ وَلَا الَّذِينَ يَمُوتُونَ وَهُمْ كُفَّارٌ أُولَئِكَ أَعْتَدْنَا لَهُمْ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا
صدق الله العظيم

Tafsir Jalalain
وَلَيْسَتْ التَّوْبَة لِلَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ السَّيِّئَات" الذُّنُوب "حَتَّى إذَا حَضَرَ أَحَدهمْ الْمَوْت" وَأَخَذَ فِي النَّزْع "قَالَ" عِنْد مُشَاهَدَة مَا هُوَ فِيهِ "إنِّي تُبْت الْآن" فَلَا يَنْفَعهُ ذَلِكَ وَلَا يُقْبَل مِنْهُ "وَلَا الَّذِينَ يَمُوتُونَ وَهُمْ كُفَّار" إذَا تَابُوا فِي الْآخِرَة عِنْد مُعَايَنَة الْعَذَاب لَا تُقْبَل مِنْهُمْ "أُولَئِكَ أَعْتَدْنَا" أَعْدَدْنَا "لَهُمْ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا" مُؤْلِمًا

So, in Surat an-Nisa 'verse 18 Allah says وليست التوبة للذين يعملون السيئات "الذنوب no repentance those who do evil, eat no repentance here وليست قبولها non-acceptance of repentance those who commit immoral, then it is very unfortunate when people who do immoral but the door of repentance has been closed by Allah, the person is in a state of sin, when repenting asking forgiveness of Allah, Allah does not accept it anymore, the door of repentance has been closed to that person.

Who is this person who no longer accepts repentance when he repents to Allah? Whereas Allah is Most Merciful and Most Merciful, Allah is Forgiving, Allah always accepts the repentance of those who repent because Allah is Forgiving. The person who is no longer accepted repentance and the door to repentance has been closed is حَتَّى إذَا حَضَرَ أَحَدهمْ الْمَوْت when death has come, when death has come to someone then the penance is repentance, even though we cry, lament while asking Allah Almighty "O Allah, forgive my sins, I have repented to You O Allah, (with hands raised and while saying) استغفرالله العظيم Allah still does not accept the person's repentance because the door to repentance has been closed.

Until where is the time of death coming and the door to repentance closed? Al Mufasir said وَأَخَذَ فِي النَّزْع when people are nad'a, what is the meaning of nad'a? Al Mufassir said اذا بلغت الروح الحلقوم وغرغر الموت when the spirit had reached the throat. Someone works immoral to Allah Almighty then death comes to him until the limit of the spirit has reached the throat, then when he repents and asks forgiveness to Allah SWT "O God forgive my sins O God, I repent to You" .

Whereas we never know when death will come, when the spirit will be seized because it is the secret of Allah, because that is why those of us who are still alive and still giving age to God repent to Allah, do God's commands and avoid His prohibitions, because we are afraid when we worshiping Allah, committing adultery, gambling, corruption, when leaving prayer, when not fasting and while carrying out sins when life also comes to a fall when it's just repented, then it's really unfortunate because when it's not accepted again repentance by Allah. Because that's when we just say إنِّي تُبْت الْآن Truly I repent now, even though when still healthy, when still strong and when there is age we forget to repent to Allah, even forget the things of the world like bewitching others, megupat.

When the spirit has reached the throat, Al Mufassir explained عِنْد مُشَاهَدَة مَا هُوَ فِيهِ when he was in nad'a, that is, when the spirit had reached the Lord's Almighty showing all the records of his life since he baligh until he died. For those who have done a lot of good in their lives then when they watched a very good recording, like watching a film that he really liked while smiling, seeing the fahala and finally showing heaven and a place in heaven, while enjoying the beauty of heaven then that's when God Almighty withdrawing his life. People who record their lives are always in bad, since baligh until death arrives never pray, fasting, adultery. Gambling, buying oxtail, shamanism, corruption, stealing and so on, then all the bad recordings are played back when the spirit is up to the throat, when we see the bad record per item, then per item we are struggling with sadness and very sorry and that's when we say Sesungguhnyaنِّي تُبْت الْآن verily I repent now, but the door to repentance has been closed, because when life has reached the threshold then when we have known where the place of domicile is in the hereafter لان انسان الغرغرة يرى مقعده فى الجنة او فىن have reached the esophagus when people can see their position later in heaven, heaven or hell, so that we have known when buried, our graves are one garden from the garden of heaven or a hole from the pit of hell.

So it is always a matter of repenting to Allah before the spirit reaches the esophagus if we have ever committed immorality to Allah, because when life has reached the threshold then the door of repentance is not opened again and we are included in the class of people mentioned in this verse.

Then when we say sesungguhnyaنِّي تُبْت الْآن verily I repent O Allah فَلَا يَنْفَعهُ ذَلِكَ وَلَا يُقْبَل مِنْهُ repent when it is no longer useful and not accepted again by Allah Almighty, then we die in the state of ultimatism, this is the goal of worship.

Class of the second word of Allah ولا الذين يموتون وهم كفار and not accepted repentance are the people who died and those in a state of having no faith in Allah, the state does not want to give a two sentence creed إذا تابوا في الآخرة عند معاينة العذاب لا تقبل منهم when converted those who do not believe in Allah in the hereafter when they see various kinds of doom of Allah, both the riot of doom, the heat of the sun when and shown hell, that's when they just repented the prophet Muhammad SAW and the Koran, they read the Koran but did not want to believe in Allah, he knew that the prophet Muhammad was the prophet kahirul ambiya but they did not want to believe also on the Day of Judgment they repented and asked forgiveness from Allah SWT and Allah did not accept they repent. أُولَئِكَ أَعْتَدْنَا "أَعْدَدْنَا" لَهُمْ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا they are what we have provided for those very painful doom, مُؤْلِمًا doom that is very, very poignant, then they will not use it when they do.

This is the picture told by Allah SWT in the letter An Nisa 'verse 18, two groups of people who are not accepted by their repentance, namely the first believers who are immoral to Allah so that before they repent their lives have reached the esophagus. The two people who did not believe in Allah and in the Prophet Muhammad who did not want to say the two words of faith in the world.

So hopefully we are still given a long life by Allah SWT so we always repent to Allah SWT before our lives reach the esophagus and hopefully we belong to the person who is Husnul Khatimah, Allah is Forgiving and Allah who gives guidance.

Until this is our discussion about the letter An Nisa 'verse 18.
Hopefully until ... hopefully until ... hopefully until as desired

والله اعلم بالصواب
صدق الله العظيم

Orang Yang Tidak Diterima Tobat Lagi

اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
وَلَيْسَتِ التَّوْبَةُ لِلَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ السَّيِّئَاتِ حَتَّى إِذَا حَضَرَ أَحَدَهُمُ الْمَوْتُ قَالَ إِنِّي تُبْتُ الْآَنَ وَلَا الَّذِينَ يَمُوتُونَ وَهُمْ كُفَّارٌ أُولَئِكَ أَعْتَدْنَا لَهُمْ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا
صدق الله العظيم
Tafsir Jalalain
وَلَيْسَتْ التَّوْبَة لِلَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ السَّيِّئَات" الذُّنُوب "حَتَّى إذَا حَضَرَ أَحَدهمْ الْمَوْت" وَأَخَذَ فِي النَّزْع "قَالَ" عِنْد مُشَاهَدَة مَا هُوَ فِيهِ "إنِّي تُبْت الْآن" فَلَا يَنْفَعهُ ذَلِكَ وَلَا يُقْبَل مِنْهُ "وَلَا الَّذِينَ يَمُوتُونَ وَهُمْ كُفَّار" إذَا تَابُوا فِي الْآخِرَة عِنْد مُعَايَنَة الْعَذَاب لَا تُقْبَل مِنْهُمْ "أُولَئِكَ أَعْتَدْنَا" أَعْدَدْنَا "لَهُمْ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا" مُؤْلِمًا
Jadi, dalam surat An Nisa’ ayat 18 Allah Swt berfirman وَلَيْسَتْ التَّوْبَة لِلَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ السَّيِّئَات" الذُّنُوب  tidak ada tobat orang yang mengerjakan keburukan, makan tidak ada tobat disini وليست قبولها tidak diterimanya tobat orang yang melakukan maksiat, maka sangat disayangkan ketika orang yang mengerjakan maksiat namun pintu tobat telah ditutup oleh Allah Swt, orang tersebut dalam keadaan berdosa, ketika bertobat meminta keampunan Alah Swt, Allah tidak menerimanya lagi, pintu tobat telah ditutup kepada orang tersebut.

Siapakah orang tersebut yang tidak diterima lagi tobatnya saat ia bertobat kepada Allah Swt? Padahal Allah Swt Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang, Allah Maha Pengampun, Allah senantiasa menerima tobat orang-orang yang bertobat karena Allah Maha Pengampun. Orang yang tidak lagi diterima tobatnya dan pintu tobat telah tertutup adalah  حَتَّى إذَا حَضَرَ أَحَدهمْ الْمَوْت waktu kematian telah datang, ketka kematian telah datang kepada seseorang makapintu tobat telah tertutup, walaupun kita menangis, meratapi seraya memohon kepada Allah Swt “Ya Allah, ampunilah dosaku, aku telah bertobat kepada Mu Ya Allah, (sambil tangan ditengadahkan dan seraya berkata) استغفرالله العظيم  Allah tetap tidak menerima tobat orang tersebut karena pintu tobat telah tertutup.

Sampai dimanakah saat kematian datang dan pintu tobat telah tertutup? Al Mufasir berkata وَأَخَذَ فِي النَّزْع  ketika orang telah nad’a, bagaimanakah makna nad’a itu? Al Mufassir mengatakan اذا بلغت الروح الحلقوم وغرغر الموت  ketika ruh telah sampai tenggorokan. Seseorang mengerjakan maksiat kepada Allah Swt kemudian datanglah kematian kepadanya sampai batas ruh telah sampai kepada tenggorokan, maka ketika itu baru ia bertobat dan meminta ampun kepad Allah Swt “Ya Allah ampuni dosa ku Ya Allah, aku bertobat kepada Mu” وَلَيْسَتْ التَّوْبَة  tidak diterima lago tobatnya.

Sedangkan kita tidak pernah tau kapan kematian itu datang, kapan ruh sampai ditenggerokan karena itu rahasia Allah Swt, oleh karena demikian kita yang masih hidup dan masih beri umur oleh Allahsenantiasalah bertobat kepada Allah Swt, mengerjakan perintah Allah dan menjauhi larangan Nya, karena ditakutkan ketika kita sedang bermaksiat kepada Allah, sedang berzina, sedang berjudi, sedang korupsi, ketika sedang meninggalkan shalat, ketikasedang tidak berpuasa dan ketika sedangmengerjakan dosa-dosa ketika itu pula datangnya nyawa sampai tenggerokan ketika itulah baru bertobat, maka sungguh sangat disayangkan karena ketika itu tidak diterima lagi tobat oleh Allah Swt. Karena ketika itulah kita baru berkata إنِّي تُبْت الْآن  Sesungguhnya aku bertobat sekarang, padahal saat masih sehat, saat masih kuat dan saat masih ada umur kita lupa untuk bertobat kepada Allah Swt, bahkan lupa dengan perkara-perkara dunia seperti menyihir orang lain, megupat.

Ketika ruh sudah sampai tenggorokan, Al Mufassir menjelaskan عِنْد مُشَاهَدَة مَا هُوَ فِيهِ  oang ketika sedang nad’a yaitu ketika ruh sudah sampai tenggerokan Allah Swt memperlihatkan semua rekaman kehidupannya semenjak ia baligh sampai ia meninggal. Bagi siapa yang dalam kehidupannya banyak melakukan kebaikan maka ketika itu ia menyaksikan rekaman yang sangat bagus, laksana menonton film yang sangat ia sukai sambil tersenyum, melihat fahala-fahalanya dan akhirnya diperlihatkannya surga dan tempat didalam surga, sedang lezatnya menikmati keindahan surga maka ketika itulah Allah Swt menarik nyawanya. Orang yang rekaman hidupnya senantiasa dalam keburukan, sejak baligh sampai kematian tiba tidak pernah melaksanakan shalat, puasa, berzina. Berjudi, membeli buntut, berdukun, korupsi, mencuri dan sebaginya, maka semua rekaman keburukan itu diputar kembali saat ruhsudah sampai kekerongkongan, saat melihat rekaman keburukan tersebut per item, maka per item kita beronta-ronta dengan rasa kesedihan dan sangat menyesal dan ketika itulah berkata إنِّي تُبْت الْآن    sesungguhnya saya bertobat sekarang, tetapi pintu tobat telah tertutup, karena ketika nyawa elah sampai tenggerokan maka ketika itu kita telah mengetahui dimana tempat kedudukan di akhirat kelak لان انسان الغرغرة يرى مقعده فى الجنة او فى النار  ketika seseorang sedang nad’a, nyawa telah sampai kekerongkongan ketika itu orang dapat melihat kedudukannya kelak diakhirat, disurga atau dineraka, maka itulah kita telah mengetahuinya saat dikebumikan, kubur kita satu taman dari taman surga atau satu lubang dari lubang neraka.

Maka senantiasalah bertobat kepada Allah swt sebelum ruh sampai ke kerongkongan apabila kita pernah melakukan maksiat kepada Allah Swt, karena ketika nyawa telah sampai ke tenggerokan maka tidak dibuka lagi pintu tobat dan termasuklah kita kedalam golongan orang yang disebutkan dalam ayat ini.

Kemudian ketika kita berkata إنِّي تُبْت الْآن  sesungguhnya saya bertobat ya Allah فَلَا يَنْفَعهُ ذَلِكَ وَلَا يُقْبَل مِنْهُ   tobat ketika itu tidak lagi bermanfaat dan tidak dterima lagi oleh Allah Swt, maka kita mati dalam keadaan suul khatimah, na’uzubillahi minzalik, inilah golongan yang pertama.

Golongan yang kedua firman Allah Swt وَلَا الَّذِينَ يَمُوتُونَ وَهُمْ كُفَّار  dan tidak diterima tobat adalah orang-orang yang matilah mereka dalam keadaan tidak beriman kepada Allah Swt, dalam keadaan tidak mau mengucap dua kalimah syahadat إذَا تَابُوا فِي الْآخِرَة عِنْد مُعَايَنَة الْعَذَاب لَا تُقْبَل مِنْهُمْ  ketika bertobat orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada Allah di akhirat ketika mereka melihat berbagai macam azab Allah Swt, baik huru hara kiamat, panasnya matahari ketika dan diperlihatkan neraka, ketika itulah mereka baru  bertobat لَا تُقْبَل مِنْهُمْ  tidak diterima lagi tobat mereka, dunia telah diutus kepada mereka nabi Muhammad Saw dan Al-Quran, mereka membaca Al-Quran tapi tidak mau beriman kepada Allah, dia tahu bahwa nabi Muhammad itu nabi kahirul ambiya tapi mereka tidak mau beriman juga pada hari kiamat mereka menyesal dan meminta ampun kepada Allah Swt dan Allah tidak menerima lagi tobat mereka. أُولَئِكَ أَعْتَدْنَا" أَعْدَدْنَا "لَهُمْ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا   merekalah yang telah Kami sediakan bagi mereka azab yang sangat pedih, مُؤْلِمًا  azab yang sangat-sangat pedih, maka tiada bergunalah tobat mereka ketika itu.

Beginilah gambaran yang diceritakan oleh Allah Swt dalam surat An Nisa’ ayat 18, dua golongan manusia yang tidak diterima tobat mereka, yaitu yang pertama orang mukmin yang maksiat kepada Allah sehingga sebelum mereka tobat nyawa telah sampai kekerongkongan. Kedua orang yang tidak beriman kepada Allah dan kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw yang tidak mau mengucap dua kalimah syahadat didunia.

Maka mudah-mudahan kita masih diberi umur panjang oleh Allah Swt maka senantiasa bertobat kepada Allah swt sebelum nyawa sampai kepada kerongkongan an semoga kita tergolong orang yang husnul khatimah, Allah Yang Maha Pengampun dan Allah yang memberikan petunjuk.

Sampai disinilah pembahasan kita tentang surat An Nisa’ ayat 18.
Semoga sampai.... semoga sampai... semoga sampai seperti keinginan

والله اعلم بالصواب
صدق الله العظيم