Lathaif Eleven is one of the lessons in the teaching
of the Naqshabandi Tariqa, where in Lathaif Eleven there are 7 dhikr points in
the Salek's body.
The 7 dhikr points are Qalb, Ruh, Sir, Khafi, Akhfa,
Nafsu Nathiqah and Jami'ul A'dha.
In the Eleven Lathaif the Salek tried and practiced to
revive Ismul Zat in his body so that his whole body would live spiritually in
chanting Allah and draw closer to Allah.
The Salek makes the whole body needs Ismul Substance
and in each heartbeat, blood flow, pulse movement, body vibrations and the flow
of breath in and out of his body is never quiet from Ismul Substance.
He did this and he only wanted to draw closer to
Allah, not because of anything because the deeper he could feel Ismul Substance
in his body the more he needed no other than God.
Chakra is a word that comes from Sanskrit which means a wheel or circle,
which describes a place of energy that is located in the center of our body.
The chakras in our body also have 7 places / points, of which the seven
places are a place for breathing exercises to draw positive energy from nature
and get rid of negative energy within us.
These 7 chakra points have different names including root chakra, sacral
chakra, solar chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, eye chakra and crown chakra.
Or these 7 chakras are named after the basic chakra (maludara), sex chakra
(svadisthana), navel chakra (manipura), heart chakra (anahatha), tenggerokan
chakra (vishudda), third eye chakra (ajna), and crown chakra (sahasrara).
The 7 chakra points are breathing points to obtain kebathinan by entering
positive energy and removing all negative energy, so that the body can feel all
the positive energy in the body and turn on the aura.
This chakra exercise is done to get some kind of kebathinan, including
making yourself more relaxed and refreshed.
And this chakra practice is more to get kebathinan so that he can feel what
can not be felt normally and is able to utilize energy in the body so that the
aura light is more visible.
Between the nine Lathaif (7 points of remembrance) with the chakras have in
common, that is, both process themselves through breathing, but between the
nine Lathaif with the chakras have different processing intentions and
purposes. But everything is positive and can complement each other.
The Salek the Lathaif Nine has united in him will be very easy if he also
practices the chakra, and the chakra who enters remembrance during chakra
practice will get perfection from his practice.
In essence, we have the potential within us, Sulok and Chakra are two
exercises in maximizing self-balance. Opening yourself to deeper knowledge of
God so that the body feels the need for Ismul Substance is the highest level in
chakra practice.
Wuquf is a combination of all the potential that exists in us, so we really
need to God and forget all but God.
Skin, hair, blood, organs and all that is in our bodies, dhahir and inner
have all been given to Allah, resolve only to Allah.
In this wuquf, Lathaif Nine becomes alive and the chakra increasingly
functions so that it will become a self-aware human being.
Wow, literasi spiritual di padukan dg olah napas. Satu hal lagi yg dapat menambah kekuatan fisik, yaitu potensi kundalini...