Sunday, June 28, 2020

Do Humans Have No Potential? So only the Great Jin?

شعاع البصيرة يشهدك قربه منك وعين البصيرة يشهدك عدمك لوجوده وحق البصيرة يشهدك وجوده لا عدمك ولا وجودك

The light of the eyes of the heart can show the closeness of God to you. And the eyes of the heart itself can show you your absence because of the existence of Allah and the essence of the eyes of the heart shows you, only the existence of God, not your absence nor your existence.

Explanation (Syarah) The facade of Allah (Salik) in his spiritual journey to Allah will walk 3 levels of Nur (eyes of the heart) from Allah, namely:

Syu'aa 'ul-bashirah, that is the light of reason.

Ainul-bashirah, that is the light of knowledge.

Haqqul-bashirah, that is Divine light.

And all nur will emit various kinds of glory (karamah) and a very useful principle.

Someone who uses the Light of His Mind (Syu'aaul Bashirah), will continue to feel their existence and closeness to God.

Whereas those who use the Light of Knowledge ('Ainul Bashirah) will feel that their existence does not exist, and that there is only Allah.

Whereas someone who has reached the stage of Divine Light (Haqqul Bashirah), in fact he only looks at Allah and does not see anything beside Him. It is not that they do not see the existence of the natural surroundings, but because the natural surroundings are not stand alone, but are always subject to and need to Allah, then the existence of this nature does not attract the attention of those who are at the level of Haqqul Bashirah, therefore they consider the universe and the wealth within it like nothing.

(Ash-Shaykh Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Atha'illah As-Sakandari, Syarah Al-Hikam).

Haqqul Bashirah is the most powerful level of human magic, and this is the potential for self that needs to be explored.

This is only found in the tarekat, because the Salek will travel mentally through the tarekat and under the guidance of the murshid teacher.

It is the murshid teacher who will guide the Salek to that level.

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