Sunday, July 12, 2020

Medsos, Perjalanan Terjauh Ku

Tulisan ini menceritakan sedikit tentang jalan kehidupan yang sedang aku jalani, jalan yang begitu berliku menurut sebagian orang dan begitu nyaman bagi yang dapat menikmati.

Sekitar September 2017, awal aku mengenal rumah sakit dan terus dirawat inap selama seminggu disana, ketika itu aku memilih rumah sakit Aron Pemko Lhokseumawe.

Kita bercerita tidak sejak 2017, karena ketika itu walau sudah mulai sakit-sakit tapi masih bisa kemana-mana, masih bisa bawa motor sendiri, nongkrong diwarung kopi (walau jarang) dan intinya masih kemana-manalah.

Namun kita mulai bercerita sekitar seminggu sebelum ramadhan 1440 H, yaitu 5 Mei 2019.

Karena sejak 2017 sudah merasakan sakit dan putus total dari olah raga, biasanya dulu setiap sore dan pagi kala libur kerja main badminton, maka sekitar beberapa bulan sebelum ramadhan mecoba berolah raga dayung sepeda. Hari ke hari itu biasa saja, sehingga tibalah pada saat sekitar seminggu lagi sebelum ramadhan 1440 H (2019).

Ketika itu pagi hari sekitar jam 07.00 WIB, dengan memakai kostum olah raga dan ku dayunglah sepeda, namin yang terjadi diluar harapanku, sekitar baru perjalanan 700 meter dari pesantren (kebetulan saya sampai sekarang masih tinggal dipesantren) tiba-tiba datanglah pusing yang sangat dasyat, sehingga saya terjatuh dari sepeda, dan anehnya pusing itu tak mau reda-reda sehingga dengan bersusah payah pulang kepesantren.

Maka sejak itulah saya mulai tidak bisa lagi nyetir motor sendirian, walau pernah coba sekali-kali mencoba, namun tetap saja masih gagal.

Media Sosial, Khabar Tentang Kehidupan

Sejak itulah, walau silaturrahmi tidak putus total, tapi realitanya saya tidak bisa kemana-mana sendirian, kalau mau pergi tetap harus ada yang boncengi kalau sanggup, kadang pun tak sanggup ya dirumah saja.

Maka sejak itulah saya coba menghibur diri dengan berbagai media sosial, termasuk youtube, sedangkan kalau facebook, instagram sudah lama bermedsos.

Dengan youtubelah saya membuat banyak content-content agama sebagai penghibur diri dan agar orang tau bahwa saya masih hidup dan semoga menjadi amal jariyah kelak ketika kembali kepada Allah.

Facebook dan Instagram juga menjadi media silaturrahmi bagi saya ketika langkah tidak bisa digerakkan kemana-mana,  juga dengan facebook saya dapat berkreasi kemana pun walau hanya lewat pandangan.

Postingan-postingan sahabat medsos tentang makan bersama keluarga dan kolega, tempat-tempat rekreasi yang baru atau lama yang diposting teman-teman saya nikmati seolah saya juga hadir disitu.

Walau hanya lewat pandangan saya dapat merasakan apa yang mereka rasakan disana, mandi, bersenda, pokoknya bahagia dech....inilah salah satu manfaat media sosial.

Cuma sedihnya hanyalah ketika mengingat keluarga, istri dan anak.

Sudah hampir 2 tahun tidak pernah lagi pergi bersama keluarga, berboncengan dengan anak istri, rekreasi bersama anak istri, kami nafsi-nafsi 😭😭😭😭

Istri kemana-mana sendiri dan hanya ditemani anak-anak dan tentunya tidak pernah kemana-mana, hanya pesantren dan rumah mamaknya. 😭😭😭😭😭

Dalam hati kecil, ingin rasanya seperti dulu, bersama anak dan istri kemana pun, walau hanya sebatas mandi di laut.

Inilah yang membuat saya sedih, kadang malamnya hanya bisa manangis sambir curhat dalam lantunan doa kepada Allah Swt.

Semoga 2020 ini merupakan tahun terakhir dalam keadaan sakit dan semoga Allah masih menghendaki kesembuhan kepada hamba.

الهى انت مقصودى ورضاك مطلوبى اعطينى محبتك و معرفتك

Ttd. Joel Buloh

Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Salihah Woman is an Angel of Heaven

Basically, humans are created by God in a state of nature, then his parents who adorn these people, whether a human being either remains in Islam or he becomes a higher human being out of Islam.

"Every child is suitable in a state of nature. It was his parents who became Jews, a Christian and also a Magi ", (H. R Abu Hurairah).

 "Every child is suitable in a state of nature. It was his parents who became Jews, a Christian and also a polytheist. "Then a man asked:" O Messenger of Allah! What is the opinion before the child dies? "He replied:" Allah knows better about what they have done ", (H. R Abu Hurairah).

Woman is a figure that is so beginning on this earth, even that woman Allah immortalized in the Quran with the name of the letter "An Nisa" and the letter "Maryam". But now the reality of good and evil ascribed responsibility cannot be separated from his behavior and actions, it is very unfortunate that he himself has never been questioned by the Koran who has appreciated it, titles that damage his own passion, he asked for prostitutes, comfort women, chillies-cabe , campus chickens, and many other terms that we really regret.

Shalihah woman is an angel

Salihah women are Qanitaat (devout people) and Hafidhaat (people who take care of themselves) when her husband is not there (Shaykh Halim).

Salihah women are women who always obey Allah and His Messenger, keep their genitals, and obey their husbands, (q Uqudul Lijain).

The three obligations above must be done by a woman so that she is categorized as a shalihah woman, the heaven of a married woman is dependent on how her husband is pleased with her as long as she does not contradict the Shari'a.

"If a woman performs her five daily prayers, performs her shaum in the month, keeps her genitals, and obeys her husband, then he will enter heaven from any door he wishes", (HR Ibnu Hibban in his Sahih).

One day the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam once said "that he saw women are the most inhabitants of hell. A woman also asked him why is that? Rasulullah also answered that he was among many women who were ungodly to their husbands ", (Bukhari Muslim HR).

Women who are righteous have the characteristics that are highly demanded in the Quran and Hadith, namely:

1.    Obedient and obedient to her husband, "Men are leaders over women because Allah has exaggerated some of them [men] over some others [women] and because of something they [men] have spent from her wealth, so pious women are those who are devoutly caring for themselves behind their husbands as God has preserved themselves ", (Q. S Annisa: 34).

2.    Loving always returns to her husband and looks for forgiveness, "Will I tell you, your wives who are the inhabitants of heaven that is a loving wife, many children, always returning to her husband. Where if her husband is angry, he come to her husband and put his hand on her husband's hand while saying: "I cannot sleep before you are pleased", (HR An-Nasai).

3.    Serve her husband (devoted to her husband), as did Asma 'bintu Abi Bakar Ash-Shiddiq radhiallahu' anhuma who served to Az-Zubair ibnul Awwam radhiallahu 'anhu, her husband.

4.    Do not give outrity except to her husband, "The woman who commits adultery and the man who commits adultery, then suffer each one of the two hundred dera flags, and do not be compassionate to both prevent you from (practicing) the religion of God, if you believe in Allah, and the hereafter, and let their execution be witnessed by a group of believers ", (Q. S An Nuur: 2-3).

5.    Keeping the secrets of the husband, especially those relating to the intimate relationship between her and her husband.

6.    Always look good and attractive in front of her husband so that when he looks at it will please him. "Will I tell you about the best of the treasury of a man, that is the wife of Salihah who, if deemed to please him, if ordered to obey him and if he leaves, this wife will look after him". (H.R. Abu Dawud).

7.    When her husband is at home (not traveling / safar), he does not concern himself with the sunnah which can prevent him from resting with her like fasting, except if he permits. "It is not lawful for a wife to fast (sunnah) while her husband is there (not traveling) except with his permission", (H. R. Al-Bukhari).

8.    Good at giving thanks and goodness to her husband, not forgetting his kindness, "Shown by hell to me, it turns out I found that most of the inhabitants are women who are kufr." Someone asked him: "Are they Kufr of Allah?" He replied: "They kufuri husband and kufuri (not grateful) for his goodness. If one of you is doing good to one of them (wife) a full year, then he saw from you something (which is not pleasing to him) he would have said:" I never saw from you goodness at all ", (HR. Al-Bukhari).

9.    Immediately fulfill the husband's invitation to fulfill his desires, do not reject it without syar'i reasons, and do not move away from her husband's bed, because he knows and is afraid, "For the sake of my soul in his hands, it is not a husband to call his wife to a place his sleep then the wife refused (reluctantly) but those in the sky were angry with him until the husband was pleased with him. " (H. R. Muslim).

10.                       Relieved the husband's heart when seen, "For a male believer, after the submission of Allah SWT, then there is nothing that is most useful for him, other than a pious wife. Namely, obedient when governed, relieved when seen, pleased when given and keep the self-respect of her and her husband when he leaves. " (H. R Ibnu Majah).

11.                       Amanah, "There are three kinds of luck (for a man), namely: first, having a pious wife, if you see relief and if you stay away he is trustworthy and safeguards his self-respect and your wealth ..." (HR Judge).

12.                       The wife of Shalehah is able to provide a calm atmosphere and peace of mind and feeling for her husband, "Among the signs of His power, that is, He created a partner for you of your own kind, so that you can find peace with him. Really in such a heart are signs (power) of Allah for those who think ", (Q. S Ar Rum: 21).

Salih woman is a resident of heaven who will be an angel for her husband who is righteous, and she will be the jewel of life in the world until the hereafter.